What is Marketing Analytics?

Marketing Analytics is a broad range and is an essential tool or strategy that is used to unlock the customer’s relevant insights, increase the ROI (Return on Investment), profitability, and to make the brand perception popular among the audience or the end-users. 

By applying marketing analytics in organizations, risks can be significantly reduced because decisions will be made based on data, not merely any assumptions or any instincts and random guesses. It allows you to make more strategic planning, business decisions in a legitimate and informed manner. By doing Marketing analytics in any business – it will increase the likelihood or the probability of success.

Many successful e-commerce ventures adopt marketing analytics in various stages of the marketing life cycle. Some of the examples are Amazon, Airbnb, Myntra, Flipkart.

Great Learning’s PG Program in Digital Marketing offers an extensive course to help you grasp the key concepts and become industry ready.


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